Our Services

Fixed Telecoms

Mobile Telecoms

Transport Infrastructure


Multimedia Installations

Our Process


1. Acquire

Whilst many telco's outsource acquisition work to low cost companies, we've chosen to build and nurture our own specialist acquisition team. With the design work complete, our planning team will then take care of all acquisition tasks from instruction to access.

With hundreds of telecom sites legally accessed every year, we've built a strong industry reputation that's continually rewarded with repeat business from clients.

2. Design

Our professional, in-house design team ensure site designs reflect the best interests of our clients. Before starting any design work, we'll consult with our clients to identify the quality, value, and build-type required.

Once we've identified our clients goals, we'll begin development utilising our "right first time" approach. All our work meets UK, European and International design codes.


3. Project

Our fully accredited rigging teams offer first-class service and operate across the UK on a daily basis.

Each of our project managers has over 10 years field experience and provides efficient and safe job planning and technical support to the field teams and customer.

To see examples of our recent project success. Click here.

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4. Complete

At Novo, we focus on long-term relationships with our clients. We strive to deeply understand your businesses's landscape and opportunities for us to then tailor an optimised service to you.

Once a project is complete, our Network Operations Centre is on hand to deal with any ongoing support or maintenance work required on your network. Our proactive rigging teams are based all over the UK to efficiently resolve issues and meet SLA requirements.